Assessment: Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS) This assessment is composed of 6 subtests (reflexes, stationary, locomotion, object manipulation, grasping, and visual motor integration) (Ryan, 2016). This ttest is appropriate for Barrett, as he is having difficulties in many of these areas. This test will provide a baseline measure and aid in determining intervention. The assessment was conducted at Barrett's home with his mother present.
Results: According to Barrett's assessment using the Peabody, he is not performing at an appropriate developmental level compared to normative values. Due to Barrett's diagnoses, he needs occupational therapy intervention strategies to address his fine motor, cross motor, and visual motor skills, which can be addressed in the assessment.
Caregiver Priority: Barrett's mother would like her child to self-feed. His mother currently hand feeds Barrett or uses HOH method-. She hopes that he will catch up to his peers, developmentally, and be able to eat, play, and sleep just as they do.