SAKURA, SAKURA: an Orff-Method Orchestration for differentiated learning in Elementary Music by Caitlin Greer

High Level of Learner Readiness: Answered most or all or pre-assessment quiz questions correctly

Moderate Level of Learner Readiness

Low Level of Learner Readiness: Answered most or all of pre-assessment quiz questions incorrectly

Considerations and Resources

Proficient at reading simple rhythms and treble clef notations

Able to sing in pitch and play percussion at correct tempo

Can be partnered with students of lower singing ability to practice call and response singing in small groups

Can lead a sectional practice

Can be given sheet music for sight reading practice (glockenspiel/xylophone)

Play glockenspiel and xylophone parts (for advanced players); harmonies and chords

Able to sing in pitch and play percussion at correct tempo

Unable to read music independently but ready to begin practicing with traditional music notation

Begin with listening to sight reading readiness group and teacher singing the melody.

Practice with interactive music note video

Use color coded videos and xylophones

Have students in this group quiz one another with music note flashcards as a warm up

Begin learning song by practicing singing with the whole group and a recorded track

Give these students the sheet music and a reference note for sight singing practice prior to instrumentation.

Practice with partners from higher level group. Can be repetition or call and response practice

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Remove scaffolding as students increase ability to read notes and memorize their parts

Unable to sing at correct pitch; Learning Disabilities; ELL Students

Little to no musical experience and at beginning stage of reading music

Use non-traditional notation to help students connect theoretical musical principles to tangible manipulative (beet=quarter note/ cherry=eight note pair).

Practice with Prodigies video to develop early muscial skills such as matching pitch, steady beats, solfege, etc.

Practice singing the lyrics by using call and response method with teacher or students from higher learner readiness groups

Use call and response method in child-friendly key

Practice Solfege using Kerwin hand signs to apply kinesthetic movement to pitch (auditory) movement

Practice with color-coded bells, boom-whackers, or manipulatives to make connections between pitch and color (auditory-visual).

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Making Music Fun. (2017). Orff Orchestration Index. WaveMusicStudio. Free Orff Instrument Sheet Music from Retrieved from

Listen to "Sakura Sakura" arrangement HERE

Sheet Music Viewable HERE