Writing Well

Five Paragraph Technique


3 body paragraphs


Unique Angle

Read broadly

Look for inconsistencies

Identify my unique contribution

Analytical Technique

What's the point?
This is the analysis issue: what is your angle?

Who says?
This is the validity issue:
on what (data, literature) are you basing your claims?

What's new?
This is the value-added issue:
what do you contribute that we
don’t already know?

Who cares?
This is the significance issue, the most important issue of all, the one that subsumes all the others. Is this work worth doing? Is the text worth reading?

Five Beats of Successful Stories

Introduction: Where you set the scene and tell your readers everything they need to know to understand why what you’re about to say is important.

The inciting incident: The question that your story is asking

Raising the Stakes: A series of moments that give weight and context to the inciting incident. This is a great place to get specific and provide details that will make your story more memorable.

The main event: This is where we see the inciting incident come to a head and is the answer to the question we asked - a pivot or a change should occur.

The resolution: Highlight what makes the story unique. If you’ve just described a failure or challenge, this would be the time to reflect on what you learned.

Idea: I could use this to design a template for "building a good report"

Template to include "consider audience", and what they want / what you want from them