Sociological theories of social change.
Social Change – Meaning, Features, factors(Economic, biological, Demographic, Cultural and Technological).Major Sources of social change and of Resistance to change
Theories of social change- evolutionary, functional , Cyclical and conflict; (Marx. Persons and Sorokin); Social Conflict: - Conflict as a Social Process, Types of Conflict- Ethnic, Religious, Economic and Political;Theories of Conflict-Functionalist and Marxist;Directed social change..
Meaning of related concepts: Progress, Evolution, Revolution, Development and Transformation.Change-in-structure and Structural Change.Continuity and change as fact and as value;Trends of change in Indian society
Processes of social change –sanskritization, westernization and modernization(Globalization) ;
Problems of Role Conflict ;Youth unrest ;intergenerational gap changing Status of Women...
Agents of social change.
Agents of change mass media, education and communication; Endogenous and exogenous sources of social change;Dominant Culture , Celebrity Culture;Resistance to change
Social Change in India:- Factors, consequences, process and present situation.
Directed Social Change: -
Social Welfare and Social Legislation : .01) Social Legislation as an instrument of Social Change; Human Rights. .02) Programmes of Social Welfare in India : Women and Children; Labour; and Youth.03) Non‐Government Organizations and their Role in Social Welfare
Example of directed social change:
Community Development Programme, Panchayati Raj, Green Revolution and Integrated Rural Development Programme. ; Directed and undirected change.
Non-Directed Social Change: -Sanskritization, Westernization, Secularization and Modernization.
Education and social change.
Education and Society : Meaning of Education; Social origins ; Role of Education in Society(traditional vs modern) ;Goals of education;Orientation of students and teachers
Role of various agencies-school, home, society, state and religion in education and socialization.
Schools of philosophy- Naturalism, Idealism and pragmatism, their bearing on education;
Functional aspects of Education :Education as a medium/means of cultural reproduction, indoctrination, social stratification, mobility/Social mobility and modernisation ; Education as instruments of social control.Importance of education in society, democracy, international understanding and nationalism.
Education in India : Directive Principles of State policy and Education, Equality of educational opportunity, Educational inequality and change, education and social mobility, Universalisation of primary education : Total literacy campaign,social aspects of mass education;
Educational problems of disadvantaged groups.( Backward Classes,Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Muslims and Women).
Privatization of education ‐ issues of access to education, merit, quality, and social justice;General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and emerging issues, Challenges in Higher Education today.
Functional and dysfunctional aspects of Mushroom growth of institutions in Various states; Prospects and problems of higher education, Role of community and state intervention in education;
Current:New trends in education; New educational Policies.
Science, technology and social change.
Ethos of science; social responsibility of science; social control of science; Scientific temper
Science and Society:-Meaning and characteristics of scientific attitude, effects of science-technological inventions on socio –economic life,development in society and social change.
Human critique of science and technology, environmental issues- pollution of air, water and soil; energy crisis; social impact assessment, environmental awareness, people’s action.
Technology and Culture.
Idea of development planning and mixed economy.
Social Development : 01) Changing Conception of Development : Ec