(i) Rural and Agrarian Social Structure:
The idea of Indian village and village studies.
Agrarian social structure - evolution of land tenure system, land reforms

(iv) Social Classes in India:
Agrarian class structure.
Industrial class structure.
Middle classes in India.

(ii) Rural and Agrarian transformation in India:
(a) Programmes of rural development, Community Development Programme, cooperatives, poverty alleviation schemes.
(b) Green revolution and social change.
(c) Changing modes of production in Indian agriculture .
(d) Problems of rural labour, bondage, migration.

The idea of Indian village and village studies

Agrarian class structure

Industrial class structure

Middle classes in India

What accounts for the growth and consolidation of middle classes in modern India. Elucidate. (16/II/4c/10) OR Examine the causes and consequences of growing size of urban middle class. (98/11/3/60)

Discuss the status of women among the emerging urban middle class. (14/II/4a/20)

Write SN with a sociological perspective : Classes in agrarian society in India.(150 words)(13/I1/1d/10)

Bouncer:Social class in India

Write SN with a sociological perspective : Other Backward Classes.(150 words) (13/II/le/10)

Discuss the salient features of Indian middle class. (13/II/4c/15)

Bring out the relationship between social class and mortality. (11/11/8c/20)

Write SN on Emergence of middle class in India (09/II/lb/20) OR Describe the process of emergence of the middle class in India. What role has the middle class played in national development.(05/11/3/60)

Write SN : Industrial class structure in India. (97/II/lb/200/20)

Write SN : Urban social organization. (92/11/1a/200/20)

The soil grows castes: the machines make classes'. Comment.(89/11/2/60)

Distinguish between : Positional change and structural change.(12/II/2a(iv)/4)

Write SN with a sociological perspective :Significance of Village Studies in Indian Sociology.(16/II/lb/10) OR Write SN : Village studies in Indian Sociology. (08/11/1a/200/20)

Agrarian social structure - evolution of land tenure system, land reforms

Analyse the major components of Land Reform Acts. Show their effectiveness in curbing rural inequality.(16/II/2c/10)


Write SN with a sociological perspective : Jyotirao Phule as an agrarian radical. (15/II/lb/10)

Describe the impact of land reforms on the peasants of Indian society(14/II/4b/20) OR Write SN : Social consequences of land ceiling legislation.(94/11/1c/200/20) OR Probe the social consequences of the land ceiling legislation in any one of the Indian States and state the major difficulties in its implementation.(92/11/6/60)

What is the idea of 'Indian village' ? Explain(14/II/4c/10)


Write SN with a sociological perspective : Andre Beteille's definition of class. (150 words)(13/II/la/10)

Bring out the relationship between fertility and social structure as viewed by Davis and Blake.(11/11/2a/30)

With reference to their understanding of the Indian village, compare the perspectives of M. N. Srinivas and S. C. Dube. (10/II/3a/30)

Changes that the agrarian social structure in India is undergoing. Comment.(09/11/4a/30) OR Write SN : Agrarian social structure. (95/II/lb/200/20) OR Write SN : Market economy and Agrarian social structure.(90/II/lb/200/20)

Write SN : Agrarian Unrest. (07/II/5d/200/20)

Write SN : Feudalism and Semi Feudalism.(04/11/1c/200/20)

Write SN : Characteristics of Neo-Rich agrarian class.(02/11/1c/200/20)

Write SN : Agrarian class structure in India. (01/11/1d/200/20)


Analyse the traditional production relations in Indian villages in the framework of the Jajmani System.(88/11/4/60)

Write SN : Inequality in the agrarian structure.(85/11/1d/200/20) OR Write SN : Class-conflict in the agrarian society. (86/11/1c/200/20)

Write SN : Dominant caste and the agrarian power structure.(84/11/1d/200)

Write SN : The impact of democratisation on the village community. (84/II/5c/200/20)

STATE PSC Social Classes in India:

-Agrarian Social Structure: Peasant society, Characteristics of Rural society, agrarian systems; historical perspectives, social consequences of land reforms and green revolution, feudalism, semi feudalism debates; emerging agrarian class structure, agrarian unrest, tribal, agrarian system and its changing contents.
-Rural Class Structure: Classes in India, agrarian classes, peasant movements, land reforms, commercialization of agriculture and change in land use pattern, emerging agrarian classes and unrest, leadership and its changing dimensions.

*b. Industrial class structure.
c. Middle classes in India.

Programmes of rural development, Community Development Programme, cooperatives, poverty alleviation schemes

Green revolution and social change

Changing modes of production in Indian agriculture

Problems of rural labour, bondage, migration

Write SN with a sociological perspective: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme for rural development.(16/II/5b/10) OR Write SN with a sociological perspective : Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. (150 words)(13/II/5b/10)

Write a note on the uneven impact of 'Green Revolution' on rural society.(16/II/6a/20) OR Write SN with a sociological perspective : Green Revolution. (150 words) (13/II/5c/10) OR Bring out some positive and negative social consequences of green revolution. How has green revolution changed the rural . social structure ?(12/II/6c/20) OR Write SN : Social consequences of green revolution. (03/11/1c/200/20'

Bring out the impact of the declining significance of the agrarian economy. (16/II/8a/20)

Write SN on the following with a sociological perspective : Changing rural power structure.(12/11/lb/12)

Write SN having sociological perspective.Impact of Green Revolution on rural class structure.(11/11/5b/15)

Comment on the factors responsible for the growth and consolidation of middle level peasantry in rural India. How is it related to capitalism in Indian agriculture ?(11/II/7a/30)

Is Indian peasant society a non modern society ? Evaluate with suitable examples in support of your answer.(06/11/4/60) OR Write SN : Characteristics of peasant societies.(05/II/lb/200/20) OR Write SN : Peasant Society. (99/11/1d/200/20)

Describe the salient features of the poverty alleviation programmes. What modifications would you suggest to make them more effective ?(07/11/3/60, OR Write SN : Poverty alleviation programmes. (01/II/lb/200/20;

What do you mean by 'Green Revolution' and what are its socio-economic consequences ? Discuss. (99/11/4/60)

How far did the Community Development Projects help in realising the goals of planned change ? Examine critically.(95/11/6/60)

Poverty breeds poverty in rural India? Evaluate Integrated Rural Development Programme in the light of this statement.(94/H/8/6C. OR Write SN : Integrated Rural Development Programme.(88/II/5c/200/20) OR Write SN : Planning for the rural poor : IRDP and NREP.(85/II/5b/200/20)

Write SN : Rural credit and its bearing on poverty. (92/11/1d/200/2C

Write SN :TRYSEM - as a measure for rural development. (91/11/5c/200/20,

Write SN : Bonded-labour. (91/11/1c/200/20, (87/II/5b/200/20)

Write SN : Political power and rural development in India.(90/11/5d/200/20:

Write SN : Green Revolution and Social Tensions.(89/II/5a/200/20)

Write SN : Reaching development to the rural poor. (87/II/5d/200/20) OR Write SN : Strategies of rural development.(04/11/5d/200/20;

Write SN :The social background of poverty (84/II/5b/200/20)

Peasants and farmers movements

-Write short note : Naxalbari Movement.(99/11/5c/200/20)
Analyse the ideological and strategical features of Naxalbari movement. (02/11/8/60)

-Discuss the main features of farmers' movements in independent India. (15/11/7b/20)

-Bring out the main features of farmers' movements in Modern India. (200 words) (13/II/6a/20)

-Critically examine D.N. Dhanagare's views on agrarian movements in India. (11/II/6a/20)

-Evaluate the success of Indian peasant movements in achieving their goals. (09/II/6b/30)

-Write short note : The share-croppers' Movement in India.(91/11/5a/200/20)

-Describe the factors related to social movements. In the light of these factors explain the emergence of peasant movements in India. (97/11/8/60)

-Write short note with a sociological Perspective : Effect of displacement through development on the rural landless and marginal farmers.(15/II/5c/10)

-Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150 words : Rural landless labourers and development induced displacement.(14/II/5e/10)

State PSC : Rural and Agrarian Transformation

•Rural Development in India:- Plans(schemes), programmes, approaches and impact.
•Rural social system and community development programme and Panchayti Raj and other planned development projects of Green Revolution,
•New strategies of rural development and transformation
•Rural development and reconstruction programmes.
•Poverty, indebtedness and bonded labor