Reflection on: Learning: Knowledge Representation, Organization, and Acquisition, McNamara, D., and O'Reilly, T., Old Dominion University, (2002).
Quote: "Similarly, knowledge acquisition can be improved by considering the purpose and function of the desired information. This article provides an overview of knowledge representation and organization, and offers five guidelines to improve knowledge acquisition and retrieval (McNamara and O'Reilly, (2001).
Reflection: I was most impressed with the authors' preposition that storing and retrieving new information is influenced by how it is stored, and also the usefulness of the knowledge is greatly influenced by the way in which it is structured.
The example of different ways of presenting a bus schedule was a very informative example which conveyed the point very succinctly. I also liked that they used an easily relatable example to convey a rather complex subject.
Semantic Networks - forms the basis of multiple theories of how knowledge is represented and organized in the mind.