What parameters should be considered for altering BOPiS pricing?
Cross channel pricing
Online pricing
Past performance
Popularity of the product
Price slab of the product
Size of the product
Open site or closed site?
Ret/Dev customer?
Repeated user?
What is the discount margin from online?
Competitor prices
Has it observed growth overall?
Has it observed growth in any category?
What are prices in retail?
What are prices in SA
Does price vary by location?
Existing Business Rules
Floor prices?
Cost of the product?
BOPIS prices for similar products
Price sensitivity of the product
Margin of the product
KVI /Core/Tail item
Comparable product pricing
Current assortment
No. of competitors carrying the product
What competitors does it look into?
Price perception
Cannibalization of any other star product?
How dynamic are they?
Frequency of purchase
Is this a traffic defining category?
Is it only a revenue driving category?
Does it drive margins overall?
Does it drive additional purchases?
Shipping costs