The Ruined Maid Thomas Hardy



Women rejected by society - unkind to women


Anapestic Trimeter

6 Quatranes


"O'Melia" Farmworker, doesn't have a name, £ caused the prostitute to gain status - broken away from society

"Crown" Power, Royalty

"-" Prostitute interrupted by maid - maid is more superior than prostitue

"O didn't you know i'd been ruined?" Gossip, scandal, someone responsible for her being ruined, putting blame onto someone else - reputation ruined - fallen women

"Said she" Hardy's voice, Hardy saying a;; women are strong they turned their life around and ignored society's judgments

"Digging potatoes" Society, poverty, hardships

"Bright feathers" Enjoys feeling prosperous/wealth

"That's how we dress when we're ruined" Inclusive, all women

"Thik oon" Country accent, colloquial

"High compa-ny!" Changed speech

"Your hand were like paws the, your face blue and bleak" Glove can be put on anyone, facade, not herself, anyone can be a lady if spoiled

"Ruined" In eyes of society, repetition

About women who runs into an old friend who's now a prostitute

Poem about prostitutes

1800s - 20% of teens forced into prostitution

Paradox - 'ruined'

Maid longed for marriage - innocence

Critic poem of Victorian sexuality

The ruined maid is enjoying a more prosperous life as a result of her ruin - nicer clothes, speaks better

Questions just what exactly it means for a woman to be ruined.

Dialogue between ruined women and un-ruined women

Ruined back then = no chances of getting married

Victorian period

Regular rhyme scheme