Software Part I - System Software


Operating System

Language Translators


Softwares used to control a computer

Software used to install hardware equipment

Converts binary to natural language.

Tools used to perform specific computer tasks

A link between hardware and software

Controls computer components and facilitates the operation of an application

Resource management functions

Managing files

Managing memory

Hardware control

File access


Data Transfer

User interface

The OS keeps a record of the files and folders stored in a storage medium.

Manages the RAM and stores data on secondary storage

OS manages hardware and allows the installation and connection of new hardware devices.

Computers allowed to view, edit, deletere, sort, print, save, copy, move files and folders

A feature used to transfer files being printed in a queue

Allows data transfer between computer devices

The clipboard is used to store copied items.

How the user interacts with the computer system



Scan disc

Control Panel

Search and Sort

Data Compression


File-Format Converter

Repair & Recovery

Deletes and erases all information from a disk

(Garbage Collection) Separates empty space from used space in a disk. Improves access speed

Checks a disk from file corruptions, errors and bad sectors

Changes computer settings and adds/removes applications

Search for files with specific names and sort by a certain criteria.

Tool used to reduce size of files and folders

Tool used to protect a computer system from different types of malware

Refreshes computer registry settings

Converts files into different formats.