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computer scienve rivision (testing (diffrent types of testing ways to test…
computer scienve rivision
logic errors
not doing in the indented task
syntax errors
syntax errorrs problem within the code it self
iterative testing
iterative testing is when you constantly test the program
final testing
programm the code and then test it once to see if it works
diffrent types of testing ways to test
large length test
type ina ridiclously large number
small length test
type a ridiclously small number
range test type something not within the range of code
enter valid data
see if basic structure program works
official terms
boundry test
valid data
invalid data
diffrent types of vlaidiation
range check
makes sure the number someone has entered is within a certain range that is accepted by the program
prcence check
makes sure that the user has entered something in
length check
make sure the length of something is sutible
format check
makes sure something is formated correctly
tpye check
m akes sure the type of input is correct e.g string or input
tthe importance for valaidation
to see if the program works with diffrent inputs
make sure that you get resaonble answer to thigns
high level and low level languages
high level langauges
examples of high level languages are python visual basic java etc
high level langauges use an interepreterter most of the time one example of an exeption being c++
advantages of high level langauges are that its alot easier to learn and code in
works on several types of proccecors
low level lagnauges
some low level language would include Assembly and machine code
low level langauges require a complier
proccecor specific
low level langauges only work on some proccecors
advantages of low level languages are that they are able to be translated quicker meaning programs will run a tiny bit quicker as well low level langauges source is hidden so it can not be copied
defensive designj
logic gates
boundry test
valid data
invalid data
iterative testing
final testing
range check
precence check
type check
lengh check
format check
truth table
and gate
or gate
not gate
syntax errors
logic errors
high level langauge
low level langauge
machine code
logic diagrams
diffrent types of logic diagrams
and gate
or gate
not gate
truth tables
and gate
or gate
not gate turth table
defensive design
how to make programs safe
genrally peoiple make their prorams safe by using a password
check to make sure people are not able to keep on geussing after 3 tries a password or any other technicque used to keep program secure
force the user to include numbers or have a certain legnth of password
ask for random charcters within the password
why is defensive design needded
defensive design is needed depending on the purpose of the program
if you are a developer you may need to add a password so people do not copy your code
you also may need defensive design for users e.g if purpose of program has certain deatils users passwords need to be secure
make sure program still functions with defensive design and is still good for user to use