Students who worked through more open-ended projects – more successful on test questions they attempted
Grades and test scores demotivate rather than motivate students (damaging fixed messages, lower achievement)
Diagnostic comments only – students achieved at significantly higher levels
Assess less - Replacing grading with diagnostic comments – provide students with more insight
"Well-crafted tasks/questions and clear feedback offer students a growth mindset pathway" - Helps them know they can learn at high levels and how they get there
Change methods of assessment from fixed to growth - More intellectual freedom
Negative impact of grading – An “A student” will avoid harder work for fear of failure
Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation
Extrinsic – motivated by scores and grades
Shift to intrinsic (interest in ideas they are learning, achievements increase)
“I remember the first time that a grading rubric was attached to a piece of my writing…Suddenly all the joy was taken away. I was writing for a grade – I was no longer exploring for me. I want to get that back. Will I ever get that back?”
Assessment for learning (Teachers students to take responsibility for their own learning)
1. Where students are now (what they know)
2. Where students need to be (what they need to know)
3. Ways to close the gap between the two)
Developing Student Self-Awareness and Responsibility - Reflection/metacognition/take control of own learning/know what they’re working on
Self-Assessment- Think about what they’ve learned and what they need to work on (reflecting), Accurate at assessing their own understanding
Peer Assessment: Assess each other’s work with clear criteria, Students much more open to criticism or suggestions from another student; Ex/ Two Stars and A Wish (important; did this during practicum)
Reflection Time- Reflect (and document) on big ideas, what they learned, questions they may have, how they can apply what they learned
Traffic Lighting - Prompts reflection for students and gives important information to teachers, Could use technology so students remain anonymous to other students
Jigsaw Groups - Working in groups, become experts on a subject, then teach others the knowledge they’ve learned, Taking responsibility of other’s learning – explaining to them
Exit Ticket - Giving ideas/information for next lesson (helps with planning process for next lesson)
Online Forms - Feedback to teacher during the lesson, Can get more feedback/assessment from students who do not usually participate verbally
Doodling - Connecting visual and intuitive mathematical thinking; drawing
Students write questions and tests - Enhances creativity; focus on what’s important
Diagnostic Comments - Help close gap between where students are and where they need to be, Feedback instead of scores
"Always allow students to resubmit any work or test for a higher grade" - Growth mindset; care about learning
"Share grades with administrators but not students" - Give students verbal or diagnostic written feedback
"Use multidimensional grading:" Use students math work rather than test performance
"Do not use a 100 point scale" (unrealistic)
"Do not include early assignments from math class in end-of-class grade" - Grades should show what students have learned
"Do not include homework as part of grading" - Inequitable practice
Change from grading and testing to formative assessment – powerful impact on students’ achievement, self-beliefs, motivation, and future learning pathways