Correct measure of damages is …
Difference between MV on actual date of delivery (i.e. September shipment) and MV on date ship would have arrived if BoL had been correct (i.e. August shipment)
B able to recover only negligible damages
Original arbitration award upheld
Note: breach in relation to goods (i.e. not within shipping period), but not in relation to documents tendered (S did not have to tender BoL)
Market falls are not sth S should be responsible for. As a market trader, sould bear some risks.
Market loss damages
, McCardie J at 90:
‘Market falls are not generally due to a vendor's default. A buyer cannot, I think, save perhaps in very exceptional circumstances, attribute to his seller a loss which, in substance and in fact, arises not from the seller's breach but from a fall in market values. To impose the burden of such a loss would be to saddle him with something for which he is wholly free from blame.’