Treaty of London 1518

Support for the Hapsburgs 1520-25

🇪🇸 was the more attractive alliance as Catherine Charles's aunt and Henry dreamed of making substantial gains in 🇫🇷, Spain would help him

Problem of support 1520s

Henry and Wolsey were perturbed by having the pick one side, when both carried risks

They tried to preserve image as a neutral power broker by meeting with both sides

2nd French war

1522 England declared war on France, beginning the 2nd French war

Again this achieved next to nothing and cost a fortune


In 1525 imperial forces captures Francis I at Battle of Pavia in Italy

henry hoped to invade France while it was weak again, but the Amicable Grant failed so he didn't have the money

He wished end French independence, dividing France into an english and spanish zone

Charles however reluctant to pursue english interests when they didn't match his own, Henry's plans were again thwarted

Support for France 1525-29

It appeared that Charles had used England to distract France and given nothing in return

Treaty of Cognac

1525 Between France, the Pope, Venice and Florence, an anti-Hapsburg alliance

Wolsey helped to construct it

He was hoping to play peacemaker still, pressuring Charles into being more reasonable


Henry's wish for a divorce made neutrality impossible

As Charles Catherines's nephew he was unlikely to view divorce favourably

Worse, Charles had the pope as a virtual prisoner, meaning his approval was unlikely

later years

In 1527, England and 🇫🇷 made an alliance and in 1528 both at war with the hapsburgs

The English contribution again ineffectual and in June 1529, Charles again defeated at the Battle of ladriano

England left out of peace treaty, sidelined in Europe in the Treaty of Cambrai

How did he try to achieve success?

England's position

Europe was now populated with young monarchs who could compete personally with Henry for prestge

Demonstrated by Francis I immediately invading N Italy to capture Milan, reputation now exceeded Henry and Tournai

Charles I now Duke inNetherlands, King of Spain and HRE, Henry could not compete with him

Therefore, Wolsey created a new role for England in Europe as peacemaker

England lacked the resources to wage war against them, so England established as peacemaker between them, eg Treaty of London

What was it?

Over two dozen countries signed it

This guaranteed non aggression and also collective security, so if any aggressor would be attacked by other states

Each country signed separately to make England central, they travelled to England to do so


Wolsey called all the major powers of Europe to settle their differences and live under universal peace

It placed England at the centre of European diplomacy, at a time when it could not hope to compete with size and wealth of others


Its long term success was limited, in 1519, Charles elected as HRE, with his lands virtually encircling France



England was well placed to disrupt supply lines to connect with Spain or the Netherlands

Their location also meant they were relegated to a minor role whenever the French-Hapsburg rivalry shifted to the Italian peninsula

Increased Henry's prestige and ensured England was not left diplomatically isolated in Europe

Anglo-French Treaty signed, it gave back Tournai in return for further pensions and Henry's daughter Mary was betrothed to the French Dauphin

This not only left England isolated but ended his chances of gaining an annulment through Rome. A few weeks later Wolsey fell from power

Successful for Wolsey personally as he received the commission of Legate a latere and seen almost as an equal to the heads of state

Charles was to pursue the imperial claim over Milan which was currently in French hands

Francis and Charles now in direct opposition and ToL call for 'lasting peace' was impossible

Good position to invade N France

The French campaign of 1512,13 had been expensive and wiped out the surplus HVII had saved in his last years

It had had little achievement apart from satisfaction of beating France, and Ferdinand had betrayed them in France in 1512

England could not compete in size or wealth to France or Spain


Wolsey's survival as chief minister depended on him building Henry's reputation and delivering further victories

Before he found a solution, the European balance of power shifted with the deaths of Louis XII in 1515, Ferdinand in 1516 and HRE Maximilan 1519

Field of Cloth of Gold