Witches became horses
When the father was dying, his body turned into a hare = embarrassment for the family
cow with leather horns = hare
Stanza Analysis
Stanza 1
The hireling was cheap and good company
Hireling got on well with the cattle
company/ That knew when to shut up
shut up - harsh sound + defensive
Did he have something to hide? - is that why he sounds defensive?
Stanza 2
1st line: d alliteration = aggressive sound - negative
torn voice
his wide/hireling?
I knew him a warlock - a male witch
a cow with leather horns - hare
to transform into a hare = pain to someone??
fox-trap - relates to him being a hare
Stanza 3
I levelled/ And blew the small hour through his heart
He did not think twice about killing the hireling - is he experienced with warlocks?
Fairly lyricald escription
Not vulgar - might represent pity/regret
The transformation begins now that he's dead
His lovely head thinned (...) His eyes rose like bread.
lovely and simile to bread - positive image?
Stanza 4
a sack that grew lighter
Hireling turning into a hare
casting ball from half-crowns
Making ammunition for his shot-gun
elf-shot - curse
cattle are now cursed
Does he think that it's his duty to kill the pagan being or is it fear of the unknown
Probably the latter as he seems to regret killing such a wonderful being
*Bless me Father, I have sinned./ It has been an hour since my last confession.'
What was his other sin(s)?
Defensive language in knew when to shut up - about what?
His wife? -did he murder her?
Does he keep committing sins?
His wife was screaming (torn voice) - does mean that he was there for her death
Was he not able to help her? Did he kill her
He put the body of the hireling in a sack and dumped it - associated with violent murder and maybe guilt also
He seems to feel alot of regret as he keeps confessing
He seems quite remorseful and has a distant tone - don't think he's a murderer but maybe grieving over his wife's death (if she is dead)
Farmer gets a young man from the hiring fair
Real v Supernatural
Disturbed from dreams
I knew him a warlock, a cow with leather horns
By its yellow witness/ I saw fur over like a stone mossing.
muckle sorrow (...) muckle care
Animal v Human
I saw him a warlock, a cow with leather horns
I saw him fur over
HIs lovely head thinned. His top lipped gathered.
Male v Female
her torn voice to his pale form
my dear late wife
His lovely head thinned. His top lip gathered.
Guilt v Innocence
Bless me father, I have sinned. It has been an hour since my last confession.
I levelled and blew the small hour through his heart.
Life v Death