The appeasement policy : Foreign policy of PM Ramsay Mc Donald, concessions with fascist nation to avoid conflict. Britain during the interwar years so the threat of fascist Italy and Nazis Germany and realized they could not afford to go to war so soon. They showed leniency and Made political and economic concessions to avoid an escalation towards an armed conflict. One Treaty form the appeasement era, Munich Agreement, handing the Sudetenland (industrialized part of Czechoslovakia) to Germany (betraying the clause signed in the TOV --> Britain and France approved to ensure there would be no conflict. The Rhineland remilitarization prohibited by the treaty of Versailles. Britain did not help France refused to respond to Hitler's provocations : gave him more confidence--> the concessions were referred to by historians as "political cowardice" there was the Locarno pact : a system of Alliance between the allies and the enemy, hitler dismissed it rapidly ---> the Treaty : Franco-German reconciliation, recognizing the borders established by the TOV and France had to drop alliance system in the East (NO MORE ALLIANCES ). To some historians it led to WWII, it did harm internationally to France and Britain and also at a national level tarnished Labour's reputation.