I-25 Crossing Discussion at Council
Key Points
Potential responses from Council
5-10 minute summary (Council has the I-25 Memo and summary of NoCo's request
Council will ask questions and deliberate
20 min is for presentation and discussion, questions
What if we decide to support one? Which is top priority?
Box Elder = Major SRTS benefits
Big Thompson = Connectivity to Weld County communities
We cannot support asking CDOT for more money
Will you consider actively supporting NoCo's pursuit of grant/other funding?
Aaron Fodge
- Who is the NoCo Bike & Ped Collaborative?
- What is the request? Why?
- What is the history?
NoCo Bike & Ped Collaborative, representing jurisdictions, agencies, community organizations and individuals in northern Colorado, advances connectivity of non-motorized networks for recreation, transportation and economic development through coordination, education and promotion.
For CDOT to provide box culverts under I-25 as part of the expansion project to accommodate safe bike/ped travel across I-25
- Existing Conditions
Poudre Trail will be first dedicated bike/ped crossing along 27 mile span of I-25 in our region
CDOT R4 reps spoke with NoCo Bike & Ped in August
City of Loveland spoke with CDOT R4 in January
NoCo sent the original memo to CDOT (Betsy Jacobsen) in October
Memo presented to NFRMPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) in November
Revised Memo was sent to CDOT R4 when??
Has the memo been sent back to CDOT?
- Because equipment will be mobilized
- Because local contribution on this project is much higher than normal CDOT projects
- The improvements at Prospect Road are like those on Harmony Road and are not safe for middle school children trying to get to school across I-25
- North I-25 EIS completed in 2011 and NFRMPO Regional Bike Plan identified these crossings in 2013
Will you discuss a plan to ensure these crossings are provided before the next major undertaking on I-25?
There are no other low-stress crossings across I-25 in our region
Have you looked for support from other agencies?
NoCO has support from:
-Western Land Group
-Colorado the Beautiful Project (CO DNR)
-NoCo has reached out the Poudre School District
Council accepts recommendations from NoCo on non-motorized projects
Have you talked with Suzette lately?
The memo requests a meeting with R4
Bike Plan 2013
EIS 2011
Original call with NoCo
Next Steps (February and Beyond)