How Developed Regions of the world are

Western Europe- 0.93

South Pacific- 0.87

Middle East- 0.68

Sub-Saharan Africa

Japan- 0.94

Southeast Asia- 0.58

Anglo American- 0.94

East Asia- 0.76

South Asia- 0.58

Latin America- 0.80

Eastern Europe- 0.80

over 90% use English

allot of minerals and natural resources for mafucatoring

high tech services

Cultural Unity

All speak an Indo-Europe language

Diversity with Muslims and Hindus

fading manufacturing

most important food exporter


food, energy, & minerals

produce high valued goods & and services



luxury motor vehicles



largest and richest market

declining HDI

poverty after communism fell

countries breaking up or off

unemployment going up

Hardworking people

hard education systems

creating new products

click to edit

industrial power

leading steel producer

not many inhabitants

exports food and other resources

peripheral location

increasing economy

culturally diverse

high agricultural development

high production and export




wealthy to poor ratio is bad

2nd largest economy

increased manufactoring

low wages

exports many of worlds needs

inequalities of wealthy and poor

sparse arable land

more imports than exports

oil reserves

inequality and tensions from rich and poor


restrict women in business

low literacy rate

reforms that reduce standard of living

bad farm land

natural disasters

extremely hot and humid

2nd highest population

2nd lowest GDP

one of worlds leading producers of rice and wheat

dry lands

highest percentage of people living in poverty

poor health

low education levels


natural increase rate is going up

land overworked

agricultural output declining