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Identity (Age (Different stages of life course, Changing effects, world is…
Different stages of life course, Changing effects, world is run by adults, young effect lack status and power, chronological
Childhood: Different views in media: little angels (vulnerable) or devils, socially constructed, Postman - 1982 childhood emerged when spread of literacy enabled adults shield kids from adult life (sexuality and death). some cultures marry 13
Youth: 12-15 socially constructed, period transition, Mead (1928) 'storm and stress'
Young Adult: Seen as a negative time as youth is lost and old closer to 'mid life crisis', career and family, Bradley - 1996 higher status than youth or old age running country holding power at work.
Old Age: Language negative 'burden on society' Hockney & James - 1993 children seen lack of status of personhood, separate and excluded from public, adult world. Infantilisation, Ageing body represent ugliness and degeneration, socialised into themselves.
Changing: Postmodernists look at trends, living and working for longer, anti ageing products extension of youth, Fetherstone & Heptworth - 2005 media images of ageing source of negative stereotype and ID, create ID suggest population ages positive images emerge
Historically seen as a mental illness changed, Quinn - 2001 same sex relationships tribes, native americans 'wife' feminine role & clothing vs husband dominate role , McIntosh - 1996 homosexual role, W culture homosexual person expectations or cultural characteristics mannerisms, higher voice and attention to appearance. Nigeria homosexuality illegal and denied basic human rights
Focused on by media Weeks 1987 not state 'heterosexual' feel need state homosexual , Women said to be sexualised in media, Sexual ID more issue than other
Changing Age for sexual intercourse equalised 2000 and equality act 2010. Unlawful to discriminate against anyone on grounds of sexuality, Attitudes have changed a lot no longer seen as a 'condition'
In contemporary society Most women not necessarily heterosexual but forced upon them. Lesbian ID written out of existence or constructed as abnormal since threat to male dominance and power over women, Rich - 1980 women sexuality oppressed by men in patriarchal society, institutions, marriage, sexual violence, rape and sexual objectification.
Plummer - 1996 suport McIntosh, homosexuality process . People who ID selves as gay don't have same sexual encounters and visa versa.
As a debate nature vs nurture debate some say biological some say socially constructued. Wilson - 1975 men spreading seed and women nurture child
Women expectation around appearance, make ID changing and expectations of masculinity in males. some say important, fluid and changing.
Mac en Ghaill - 1994 'crisis of masculinity' insecurity felt by WC men today. loss of 'breadwinner ID'
Jackson - 2000 ladettes spend time drinking, smoking, swearing and disrupting lessons, fear being unpopular
Denscombe - 2001 increase in female risk taking behaviour 'ladette' culture young women seen anything but stereotypically women
Connell - 1995 masculine ID, hegemonic (macho) subordinate (homosexual) maraganlised (unemployed)
Cannan - 1996 research WC men in Wolverhampton, both un/employed views masculinity. 'Whats the most important thing about being a man?' Unemployed: not having a job felt emasculated VS Employed: drinking, fighting, sexual conquests
Hey - 1997 studied friendship groups teen girls peer groups and behaviour patriarchy and expectations
Mac an Ghaill - 1994 explored how boys learnt to be men in their peer groups at school, hypermasculinity football, fighting, fucking
some state ID socially constructed, male dominate society create and reinforce how males and females should be
Oakley - 1981 gender role socialisation in family, manipulation (encourage behaviour stereotypically acceptable) canalisation (parents channeling child's toys games) verbal appilation (nicknames) different activities
Range of feminine ID, breadwinner, housewife, wife, mother, passive, lack self confidence.
National ID for brits is complex, Anderson - 1983 'nation' is an 'imagined community' never meet all of its fellow members, social construction of national ID facilitated by developments in tech and printing process. whole country, flag, language
Kumar - 2003 unlike Scots, Welsh & Irish, English find it hard to say who they are, long history of english imperial people developed a sense of 'missionary nationalism' interests of unity
Changing: Hall - 1991 there reactions to globalisations: cultural homogenisation (accept) hybridity (mixture) and resistance (reject), Sadar - 2002 world is in the middle of a global ID crisis, old divides such as East vs West, britian lost empire 'englishness' based on historical traditional meaningless now and to develop confident ID embrace diversity. Face of devolution, economic crisis and increasing immigration