Landmark Supreme Court Cases

McCulloch v. Maryland

Marbury v. Madison

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Gibbons v. Ogden

Reynolds v. US


Midnight judges

Should Marbury get commission, can SCOUTS approve writ of mandamus

first case to declare something unconstitutional


impsed act to impose tax on bank

bank worker refused to pay tax

did congress have authority to establish bank, did maryland lax intefere unconstitutionally with congressional power

unanimous decision for yes

case is important, uses necessary and proper clause, congress had power to incorporate a bank, grows federal power and lessened state power

Can Maryland tax the US??

state government was over reaching the national government

NY state law gave individuals rights when operating a steamboat.

the national license over throws state license

Gibbons had a federal license, the monopoly for the NY license made Gibbons pay a high tax to enter NY waters

unanimous, 6 for yes

Did NY exercise authority in a licensing into something controlled by congress

it expands federal power because it gave the federal license final say

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question was "was scott free"

increased state powers because it allowed states to decide his freedom

in federal court, he was ruled as a slave because he wasn't a citizen

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dred scott was a born freed slave but went back to southern sate that considered him a slave

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expanded federal power because it limited first amendment power

court ruling was no to stop the freedom of religion right for everything illegal

does banning plural marriage violate the first amendment?