Pip's younger sister, and the youngest of the Five Find-Outers. She adores and hero-worships Fatty and he is very fond of her. Though the youngest, the kind-hearted Bets proves herself to be a worthy member. She is keenly observant, providing crucial ideas that help Fatty in solving some of the baffling mysteries - as in the 'Mystery of the Pantomime Cat' when she provides the breakthrough idea, to which Fatty exclaims: ""Bets'" he said, stopping at last "Bets! Good, clever, brainy old Bets. She's got it! She's solved it! Bets, you deserve to be head of the Find-Outers! Oh my word, Bets, why, why, why didn't I think of it before?". She also thought of the name 'Five Find-Outers and Dog'.[1]