Tactical group is any element from Div to Bn that has received additional forces from higher.
Dets are specifically task tailored for a singular combat function, such as raid, pursuit, l/u, recce, obstacle etc. Shows their flexibility.
Enabling, Action, and Specialist Elements – Enabling: Supports the success of the mission, typically through security and IDF; Action: The strike force; Specialist element: A shaping element outside of the main enabling forces. May be found at different levels and within the action or enabling elements.
Offense – The en disruption zone on the offense is not necessarily tied to our close/ deep, but more tied to the effect of SHAPING
Defense – Disruption force found in disruption zone for DTG is BTG, BTG is IMD/Coy+.
A Detachment is only given one tactical task
Reserves are specialized (manoeuvre, AT, ALR, special)
2 DTG – Arty Reg (54x 2S19 Msta 62km with RAP, and 18x BM-21s with 30km range), within the DTG theres two Comds an Integrated Fires (Comds anything army in the air and RISTA) and Integrated Support. Surprise on our advance is key, and don’t get fixed! Cam and concealment also
205 Arty Reg – ACRV key system. But, this HQ is a HVT!
2 DTG – AD down to the Pl level. AD Reg (16x SA-15, 12km range).
201 Mech BTG – They have a CSS Coy+ to support a brigade with 3x our assets;
Equipment: Outranged, outgunned, outnumbered. Don’t go head on, use surprise, use ground, AAs unexpected, use a different asset from Leo2 to attach mech inf.
Div has bakeries.
DTG medical is their role 3.