How does trash affect our fresh and saltwater systems?

Other Questions? #

How have people impacted water systems?

Grade 8 Science Fresh & Saltwater System Outcomes: # # # #

How does topic relate to other sciences in later courses?

How does the topic relate to life sciences? # #

  1. Analyze factors affecting productivity and species distribution in marine and freshwater environments.
  • investigate life forms found in freshwater and saltwater, and identify and interpret examples of adaptations to these environments (e.g., describe and interpret examples of fish and invertebrate species found in a local freshwater environment)
  1. Describe the distribution and characteristics of water in local and global environments, and identify the significance of water supply and quality to the needs of humans and other living things.
  1. Analyze human impacts on aquatic systems; and identify the roles of science and technology in addressing related questions, problems, and issues.
  • provide examples of problems that cannot be solved using scientific and technological knowledge alone (e.g., the need to prevent pollutants from entering aquatic environments, the need to avoid damage from ice sheets and icebergs)

How does the topic relate to other science topics in earlier science courses? #

Grade 3: Topic E: Animal Life Cycles

Grade 4: Topic A: Waste & our world

Grade 2:

  • Topic A: Exploring Liquids.
    Topic B: Buoyancy and Boats.

Grade 5: Topic D: Wetland Ecosystems

Grade 1: Topic E: The needs of Animal and Plants.

How does the topic relate to other subjects in the same grade that you are exploring?

Science 9: Unit C: Environmental Chemistry

Science 10: Energy Flow in Global systems


English Language Arts

Social Studies

Shape & Space - Transformations (Gr. 8)
General Outcome: Describe and analyze position and motion of objects and shapes. # #

Statistics & Probability - Data Analysis (Gr. 8)
General Outcome: Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems

Nature of Science

1.2 Clarify and Extend

acknowledge the value of the ideas and opinions of others in exploring and extending personal interpretations and perspectives #

Student questions

Skills & Processes for Grade 8

8.S.1 - develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
analyze the validity of information based on context, bias, source, objectivity, evidence and reliability to broaden understanding of a topic or an issue

  • evaluate ideas, information and positions from multiple -
  • demonstrate the ability to analyze local and current affairs
  • re-evaluate personal opinions to broaden understanding of a topic or an issue
  • generate creative ideas and strategies in individual and group activities
  • access diverse viewpoints on particular topics by using appropriate technologies

Everyday Life

What are some positive and negative technologies affecting our water systems?

What is the impact to the marine ecosystems?

What are Fresh & Saltwater systems and their characteristics?

What is the Great Pacific Garbage patch?






Biology 20: Unit B: Ecosystems and population changes


  • Science cannot provide complete answers to all questions.
  • Scientific knowledge develops through observation, experimentation, the discovery of patterns and relationships, and the proposal of explanations
  • Scientific language is precise, and specific terms may be used in each field of study