ARE YOU SERIOUS: This play is a story of consequence. Martin has sex with and falls in love with a goat. It should come as no surprise that he is faced with the consequences of his family discovering his actions. As always, actions have consequences, as the play ends with confusion, a broken family, and a dead goat.
NO EXCUSE: Martin claims that love drove him to his actions. Maybe there was some unconscious driving force behind his actions. However, I refuse to grant Martin the "unconscious action" get-out-of-jail-free-card. He chose to have sex with Slyvia. It was his choice, and he at least owns up to that.
AT LEAST THERE IS LOVE: The play ends very dark and grim. However, to each character, life seems like more than just some meaningless experience. Billy loves Martin, Stevie loves Martin, and Martin loves Slyvia, Stevie, and Billy. No matter how ugly things are, at least they have had meaning to their lives in the form of love.