5 fighters:Fighters require a hangar module which requires Trinium or higher material to build. They are generally slightly less powerful than an equivalent turret, are more vulnerable, and are expensive and tedious to replace, but make up for this with their strength in numbers. To deploy a fighter, you need to first create a squadron in your ship window, then hire a pilot as well as buy a fighter from an equipment vendor, and then finally give your squadron an order using the buttons on the left side of the HUD. You can have 10 squadrons of 12 fighters, for a total of 120 fighters if your hangar is big enough.Fighters come in all the same varieties as Turrets. They can be crafted at a Fighter Factory using a turret in the player inventory, consuming the turret and adding a single fighter to the player's hangar. To produce copies of a fighter, an existing fighter can be dragged into the large square "Blueprint Slot" to sacrifice the fighter for an unlimited-use blueprint. Additional fighters can then be created, consuming only the minerals that made up the original source turret. The rate at which new fighters are created is dependent on their production requirement; higher quality fighters requiring significantly more. The ship's production is based on the amount and quality of Assembler blocks present. It is also possible to use player-owned factory stations to mass-manufacture fighters for players, since they have a very large production output.You can enter and fly around in a launched fighter. To do this, get close with your ship or drone, select the fighter and press T.