Reflections on research in Distance Education.
DE research seems to focus on an aspect of learning associated with the educational organization rather than practical advice on how to perform the process of teaching and training when the learner and instructor are physically separated. Furthermore, the structures defining DE seem to limit the focus to defined topics that would fit into this definition. Simenon’s definition of distance education develops a framework limits the components of distance education to the components of physical separation of the learner and teacher, being institutionally based, using telecommunication, sharing data, voice, and video.
They should include discussion of the scope of distance education within industry and the military.
What is the definition of an institution? Does Microsoft, Cisco or Google qualify as institutions? They each offer certification classes that are accepted (and in many cases preferred) by business and industry? These class that meets regularly are formal and have assessments in distance education, but they may not be offered by an institution.
One area of research could be performed would be to determine how the scope of DE differs in business and industry from traditional institutions.