Plot Summary
Mystery Details
Find the Incan treasure
Who - Characters
Cook Family
Aunt Delia
Uncle Nigel
Uncle Jasper
1st Key - Stone
2nd Key - Silver
3rd Key - Gold
Treasure - Gold, Silver, Emeralds, Rubies, Diamonds, Sapphire and more
Professor Ragar
Uncle Nigel found in a mine in Bolivia
Kids found it in underneath the Church of Lost Souls in Columbia
Kids found it in the Castle at the End of the world hidden in the tower in Eucador
Zubov, Professor Ragar, Eddie, Raj, Addison, Molly, Uncle Nigel and Aunt Delia find the Incan Treasure in a cavern in the Andes Mountains
Opening: Addison, Molly, Raj & Eddie are in New York
Professor Ragar and his men steal the first key and kidnap Uncle Nigel and Aunt Delia
4 Kids fly to Columbia
4 kids find the second key and Ragar steals it
4x Escaping from Zubov link up with Guadalupe and escape into the Amazon Jungle
5x kids sneak into a wedding at the Castle at the End of the World
kids find the third key and Professor Ragar steals it
5 kids escape by stealing a limousine from the wedding party and drive away to Casa Azar
4 kids (not Guadalupe) get caught and put in prison by Professor Ragar
Guadalupe breaks the kids out
Kids steal a pick-up truck and drive to the Andes Mountains in search of the treasure
After a couple of booby traps then they meet Professor Ragar and his men in a cave; Zubov grabs them and Ragar makes the Cook family, Raj and Eddie, open the secret doo
Find lots of treasure then Ragar and his men they put poles in the ground and tie them to the poles; light their feet on fire
Ragar starts to unload the treasure into wagons but then the door shuts and sand starts pouring from hidden slates drowning them
The Cook family escapes through a hole in them ceiling and end up in the temple in the Andes Mountain
Eddie dumps gold from his pants and shirt
Return to New York with the treasure from Eddie; the museum opens again and Uncle Nigel gets to go to China (next book)