To that extend were isolated, that the fishing people who were living there had not seen any foreign people at close range never before. As a result, they were naturally surprised to see the wide microcosm of people they brought: Moors, Blacks, Goans, South Asian Muslims, Portuguese, Spaniards, Japanese, etc. The rise of the global world implied not only the internationalization of goods but also of people from all continents.
Moving Geography is a big theme. The idea the that people are making mistakes but then coming across new people and ideas.
Who the greatest threaten was, whether Europeans or Manchus, was a common discussion held in China in that time. Some Chinese were especially reluctant of allowing foreign technology (Portuguese gunners) or religion (like Jesuit Mission) since they saw them as a dangerous intrusion to China’s security and culturetext
Main theme was that people were now showing up in uncharted territories and being labeled as foreigners or pirates when in reality this wasn't the case.