What is curriculum?
What is worth knowing?
"All the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside of school (Kelly, 2009)."
"Curriculum is an agreement among communities, educational professionals, and the State on what learners should take on during specific periods of their lives (Braslavsky, 2003)."
"why, what, when, where, how, and with whom to learn (Braslavsky, 2003)."
The total learning experience provided by a school. It includes the content of courses (the syllabus), the methods employed (strategies), and other aspects, like norms and values, which relate to the way the school is organized.
Four types curriculum
Explicit curriculum: subjects that will be taught, the identified "mission" of the school, and the knowledge and skills that the school expects successful students to acquire.
Implicit curriculum: lessons that arise from the culture of the school and the behaviors, attitudes, and expectations that characterize that culture, the unintended curriculum.
Hidden curriculum: things which students learn, ‘because of the way in which the work of the school is planned and organized but which are not in themselves overtly included in the planning or even in the consciousness of those responsible for the school arrangements (Kelly, 2009).
Excluded curriculum: topics or perspectives that are specifically excluded from the curriculum.
Curriculum Example - UNL TLTE MALta program
purpose of curricum
to conform students
to conform student's lives
to conform student's culture
Curriculum: latin 'currere' which means "course to be run" (Eisner, 2002)
Theory and Pratices
Curriculum as a body of knowledge to be transmitted
Curriculum as an attempt to achieve certain ends in students – products.
Curriculum as a process .
Curriculum as praxis.