T5: Optional Reading: Revels - Technology impacts in Org recruitment and retention

Retention management techniques

Effective recruitment sources

Generational aspects

Future trends and challenges

Technology provides:

Flexible work settings

Innovative ways to attract, obtain and develop individuals

Increased global capabilities

Gen Xers (1965-1981)

Gen Yers (1982-2000)

Baby Boomers (1946-1964)

Alternative employment options (temp/contract)

External recruitment

Staffing models

Internships (cost-effective with longer term benefits)

Cooperatives and network-based

Employee referrals (cost-effective and reliable)

Person/Job match

Person/Organisation match

Supported by good 'Staffing Models'

Internal recruitment

Online recruitment platforms can support these matches with questionnaires that rank applicants for suitability

Recruitment and selection policies

Affirmative Action policies

Workers with Disabilities policies

Job Posting policies

Equal Employment Opportunity policies

Selection and Desire to Hire polices

Designed to reduce turnover

Begins with clear/honest communication of role expectations at recruitment stage

Create an environment where staff have a real and valued voice in the organisation

Performance management - provide opportunities for improvement and development. Continual and regular feedback to avoid annual surprises.

Provide regular contact opportunities with superiors

Team building opportunities / programmes - socialisation opportunites, off-site groups events, celebrating successes.

Appreciation programmes

Employee satisfaction surveys

Social functions and personal acknowledgements, i.e. birthdays

Good company website that will attract candidates

Recruitment sites that allow candidates to build a profile and be alerted when new jobs of interest are posted - attracts those who are only casually looking

Online networking like LinkedIn (own suggestion added)

Blogs, discussion boards and business communities that provide insight into organisations that candidates may be investigating

Social networks that heightened or reduce interest in certain organisation, global word-of-mouth if you like.

Technology advances in recruitment will leave less tech-savy firms behind.

Online recruiting tools that streamline the process and speed up communication

Wider media coverage can improve or damage orgs reputation and thereby impact on their labour market competitive edge

Benefit packages, including development opportunities

Global opportunites

Mentoring programmes

In orgs that a spread out, HRM must engage policies that ensure consistency, communication and best practise across the organisation