



Task 1 - Writing Email

Task 2 - Responding Survey

Task 4 - Making Predictions
Use future - Use initiators like "I Think" "I imagine"
" I will predict some of the things people might do, and some of the things that might happen next. - Obviously I dont know if this things will actually happen. But probably, some of them will."

Task 5 - Comparing and Persuading
Select Item from 2 choices (most easy to talk about)
Compare with the next option that will show up.
GIve some reasons (2-3) to why one is best than the other.
You have to use contrast words like In Contrast, Better, Slightly less, Much More. In summary, comparative and superlative.
Positive Comparative Superlative
good better best
well better best
bad, evil worse worst
ill worse worst
far farther farthest
far further furthest
little less(er) least
many, much more most

Task 6 - Dealing with a difficult situation
Choose ONE solution and justify with strong reasons. TONE is really important here. Because the situation is always hard. Use words that show politeness. "I know that xxxx is good, however, xxx is better because of...."

Task 2 - Talking about a personal experience
You should use past tense because your talking about something that already happened

Task 7 - Expressing Opinions
"I think it is ok..." "I can see why people would choose X, however, I personally think..."
Be sure to stay on topic. Quickly take a position (decide yes or no). 3 reasons to support your opinion. Present examples and details.

Task 1 - Giving Advice
Hey XX, I heard that you are doing/looking for YYY. Perhaps I can give some advice.... First... or I would suggest..

Task 8 - Describing an unusual Situation
Think about specific words and details. You need to use sentences with precise meaning. Complete the task in full - Settting up the scenario: if you are calling someone, pretend your calling. Say hello, ask to talk to the person... and end finishing the phone call

1 - No subject - Go directly to email body. "Dear Manager,..."

4 - Mention all bullets

5 - Use connectors and paragraph starters. Ex: "In Addition", "For one thing... For another thing"

3 - Add vocabulary related to the context. Ex. Restaurant - Meal, Dish. Food - Uncooked, Tasty, Salty. Store - Sale, Warranty, Checkout

2 - Paraphrase the words from description

6 - Shorter paragraph for conclusion (Last bullet on task). If the task ask you to suggest, it is a good practice to give to options using "Either.... or..."

7 - Finish email with "Yours" or "Hope to hear from you soon" or "Looking forward to hear from you soon"

8 - End with a typical Canadian name. Ex: "Bob Smith"

2 - One reason for each paragraph.

Tip: It is always good to contrast both options while giving the reason. "In contrast, option 2 does not have this benefit"

3 - Try to give 3 reasons

1 - First paragraph should introduce about both answers and clearly state YOUR CHOICE without providing reasons yet.

Tip 1 - Using contrast is a effective: "I see why some people may select Option 1, however, I prefer Option 2.

Tip 2 - Using Option 1 and Option 2 in first paragraph is a good strat. Leave the paraphrasing of topics for the reason's paragraph

4 - Conclusion is Optional! Depending on time and word count, you can add a sentence to wrap up

For All Tasks:
Content/Coherence - Number, Quality, and Organization of ideas. Examples and Supporting Details
Vocabulary - Word Choice/Range/Precision in Use
Listenability - Rhythm, Pronunciation, Intonation. Pauses. Grammar and Structure. Variety of Sentence Structure.
Task Fulfillment - Completeness/Tone/Length

Task 3 - Describe a Scene
Use present!
"This scene looks like.. I will describe some of the things I can see. .... There is more to describe in the scene, but I think this already give the overall impression of it.

For tasks 3 and 4
in the middle a photograph
in the centre a painting
at the top a drawing
at the bottom an advertisement
on the left side a poster
on the right side the cover of a book
in the background a map
in the foreground a scene from a film
in the top left-hand corner a chart / a graph
in the top right-hand corner a cartoon (drawing)
in the bottom left-hand corner a strip cartoon
in the bottom right-hand corner a speech bubble