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Alan Turing (Life (1931, began attending "King's College",…
Alan Turing
1931, began attending "King's College", gratuating in maths 3 y laters ( Too scores)
1935, Fellowship from "King's College"
1926, at the "Sherborne School" in Dorset.
during 1936-38, taught by Alonzo Church at "Princeton University" -> Got PhD
Homosexual, fell inloved with Cristopher Morcom, he died of tuberculosis
1938, took a job at the "Government Code and Cypher School" -> organization specuialized in breaking war codes
Father: Julius Mathison, "Indian Civil Service"
1942, went to Us to study the methods of breaking the "Naval Enigma" codes at the "Computing Machine Laboratory" , Ohio
born June 23, 1912, London
During 1945-47, worked at the "National Physical Laboratory" -> developed the "Automatic Computing Engine" (ACE) -> Computers like "Bendix G-15" ( american) & "electric DEUCE" (english) are based on ACE
1941, proposed to Joan Clarke but he ended it because it was unfair to her that he was homosexual.
At the age of 39, got into relationship with 19 years old Arnold Murray
During a burglury investigation at his house, he was arrested on charges of indecency ( being homo) -> was given the choice, in 1952, between hormonal castration or imprisonnement. He chose medication so that he could continue working at home.
June 8, 1954, found poidoned at home with arge quantities of potassium cyanide
Pioneered the concept of modern-day computers with a "Turing machine", capable of solving any algorithms
1939, awarded the "Smith's Prize" by Cambridge for his contribution in the field of applied Mathematics
1949, promoted Deputy Director of the Computing Laboratory at the university
1945, was honoured by King George VI, with the "Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" for his services during W W II
1935, ,published the paper: "on Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entsheidungsproblem"
ideas & influence
I’ve read that bill gates, the founder of apple has as logo an eaten apple. We know that turing killed himself with a poisoned apple, so some people think bill gates took this logo to honor turing because he made the first computer. However we can’t be sure of that because the apple’s fondator died.**
A novel, 'Cryptonomicon', by American writer, Neal Stephenson, published in 1999, refers to this famous mathematician.
2014, movie "The Imitation game" by Morten Tyldum and as 1st role Benedict Cumberbatch. It garnered five nominations in the 72nd Golden Globe Awards and three at the 21st Screen Actors Guild Awards