A study of Competencies among Malaysian students to see if they meet employer graduates requirements at Malaysia.

Research Objectives

Literature Reviews

Still need to decide

  1. To understand what are graduate employers expectations from graduates in competencies during recruitment
  1. To identify the lacking of competencies among Malaysian graduates to meet the requirements from employers.
  1. To examine the best competencies found by recruiters from Malaysian Graduates that have made an organisation impressed
  1. To explore what affect both best and weak competencies among Malaysian graduates in recent years.

Definition & List of Competencies

Why is Competencies important? (Positive Impacts)

Page Contents

  1. Title Page
  1. Abstract
  1. List of Contents
  1. Introduction (ASK Li Li - what is Awk in research proposal)
  1. Literature Review
  1. Methods
  1. Results
  1. Discussions
  1. Conclusions
  1. References
  1. Appendices


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Survey Planet

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How can Competencies developed?
Where does it come from?

To an organisation

To an individual

To the world

Examples of people with great competencies (Success)

What is success?

Malaysian Education Private & Public

What affects/caused Competencies to be weak?

How different are these two? (Pros & Cons)

Teaching Ways (Practical & Theoretical)

In University

Family background

Work Experience

Are competencies needed are different for each career?

Are competencies defined as a general term?

Eg: leadership (definition and what is it used for and why is it important for an organisation and individual and how do HR assess this skill)

Why would we talk about competencies among malaysian graduates?

  • How important it is to have competencies in malaysia. - “The value of management development in the UK” “ensure that britain has the skills needed to sustain high levels of employment, compete in the global marketplace and provide opportunity for all” pg26 by mumford
  • Key findings of excellence in management and leadership in uk pg 27 by mumford. -find something like this in malaysia

Definitions of each competencies (skills)

  • Leadership abilities pg9,10 and 45 by mumford

high competencies VS theoretical knowledge

Lack of support? Culture of theory is more important?

What solutions, improvements or recommendations can be made regarding Malaysian Graduates' competencies?

which one is important? are they both has to be in the same level?

Is malaysian educations are more to theoretical or practical?

In General & in Malaysia

in General & in Malaysia

How are Malaysian Graduates' competencies are?

What does Malaysian graduate employers say about the graduates?

Are the competencies among the graduates improves? How?

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How do they assess graduates' competencies?

Does qualifications of diploma or degree graduates matter?

A study of Competencies Perceived by Malaysian Graduates' to meet employers requirements

A Study of Competencies among Malaysian Graduates'

Are they aware how important each skills competencies at work?

Business Graduates' Actual Performance as Perceived by Employers & what competencies employers find important

Identifying the lacking & the best of competencies perceived by graduates

Factors of the lacking and the best competencies

Competencies OR Employability Skills OR Soft Skills


  1. Very short. All sections need a lot more development. For example, what is 'competency'? how is 'competency' related to knowledge, skills, attributes? How has it been measured in other studies?
  1. In methodology section, how have you developed your questionnaire based on previous study?
  1. Use of informal writing.
  1. How were your findings related to your research objectives? This is not clear in the finding section, either in Discussion.