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Development of Technique in Book 1 image (Left hand technique image…
Development of Technique in Book 1
Left hand technique
Trills and Ornaments
- Minuet 3 (acciaccatura, preparation for trill)
- Gossec Gavotte (more acciaccaturas)
- Variation A / KHS — Arrange three fingers
- Lightly Row / Signir sól —
Nonconsecutive fingers
- Song of the Wind / Litlu andarungarnir
Independent 3rd finger
1st finger anchored on previous string (see anchors)
- Perpetual Motion / Eilífðarvél —
4th finger introduced, start adding it to review
- The Happy Farmer / Káti bóndinn —
All fingers independent
- Minuet 2 (slurred — see bow technique)
- Variation D / Banani (separate)
- Allegro (dolce, rit, fermata on note)
- Song of the Wind / Litlu andarungarnir (repeat)
- Andantino (fermata on pause)
- Gossec Gavotte (pizz., arco, D.C. al Fine)