not produced by living things.
produced almost exclusively by living (or once-living) things.
all the organisms of a certain kind in a particular place.
The Earth has experienced natural warming and cooling trends throughout its __
__are melting and causing ocean levels to rise as a result of climate change
The increasing intensity of _ over the past decades may be caused by climate change
What is the difference between weather and climate?
What Is the difference between "Global Warming"and "Climate Change" ?
Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average temperature, climate change is the mean atmospheric conditions, typically an average of 30 years of weather data. A mean, or average, is much less variable
When scientists discuss climate change, they refer to the overall ___
trend in climate data
Earth's average temperature has risen by ___°F over the past century.
Earth's average temperature is projected to rise another to°F over the next hundred years
0.5°F to 8.6
Rising global temperatures have been accompanied by changes in__and___
weather and climate
Scientists are highly confident that many of these observed changes can be linked to the climbing levels of ___ and other _ in our atmosphere, which are caused by ___.
CO2, greenhouse gases, human activity
Name 3 natural factors that influence Earth's climate-
Solar output, changes in the Earth's orbit and tilt, volcanic activity
What has caused the warming of the planet since the Industrial Revolution?
Burning of fossil fuels
What analogy is used to explain the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
the bathtub represents Earth's atmosphere
the water in the tub represents the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere