
Menu Trends

Characteristics of good menu

Comfort Food

Local Food

Healthy Kid Menu Options

Plant Based Menu Items


Sustainable Seafood

Street Food

Reduced Food Waste

Mediterranean Flavors

All Day Breakfast Foods

Food Bowls

soul foods

It has been featured on restaurant menus for decades

The mass appeal of simple, filling foods isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon, even with the growing focus on healthier eating options at restaurants

Locally grown produce, sourced meats and seafood

Reflected in the continuation of the farm-to-table movement

Balances between popular kids’ foods with nutritious alternatives that parents will appreciate

As a side, appetizer and entrée option

Customers looking to eat healthier, light summer meal or something quick

Evolved from iceberg lettuce, cucumbers, and tomatoes to exotic selections featuring everything from truffles to caviar

The newest buzz word in nutrition.

Popular - health benefits and smaller environmental footprint

Veggie based comfort foods

Hardly a new trend

In 2018 - Predicted to go mainstream and upscale

An environmentally friendly way to combat over fishing

Ways to use up the entire animal or vegetable

Being more ecologically mindful as well as a consumer trend

2018 trends - mash-up of morning classics meets food truck street foods

Bowls can be for breakfast, lunch or dinner

Can be for breakfast, lunch or dinner

Can be sweet / savoury / both


Correct Food Cost

Easy to Prepare

Easy to Read Format

Manageable Size

When to update menu?

What to Avoid ?

When to Offer Special menu?

Always Proof-Read

This allows for more latitude than a traditional vegetarian or vegan diet, with small amounts of meat, dairy, and other animal products.

If one offers a fresh lobster roll, be sure to include lobster in other dishes as well

Throwing food away in the restaurant kitchen is akin to throwing money away

To keep profits up and prices affordable for customers

No complex menu items that take a long time to prepare

Easy to prepare on the spot / easy to prepare ahead of time and reheat

No small font and too much text

Menu design - simple and avoid using too much culinary jargon

Sky is not the limit

Avoid - huge selection of items; otherwise, too much wastage

Consider what the restaurant kitchen is capable of producing

Should not be set in stone

To keep the food cost in check & other costs

rewrite the whole menu or add all new dishes - Hell no!

Adjust prices & nix menu items

The menu is a like an ambassador for the restaurant

Limits the number of items available at a given time, making it easier for the kitchen to turn out a large number of meals in a short span of time

Great promotion during slow times