A lot of teenagers gets brought into a huge maze, one arrives each month with some resources. They dont have any memories nor idea of where they are, but manages to build a society. In the middle of the maze is a huge open area where they grow crops and build houses. The open area is surrounded by four walls, reaching sky high and being impossible to climb. Out of these walls leads four openings into the maze. At night, the openings closes and dangeous creatures named Grievers, hunt in the maze. Some of the teenagers living there, have the role as runners, and throughout the day, they run into the maze to try to map it. When Thomas arrives, he gets very curious of the maze and wants to go into it. In time, he becomes a runner. With the captain of the runners, Minho, they manage to find a way out of the maze, leading into nothing. The teenagers in the maze has no memories of the world getting affected by the sun flares, and thought they would come home to their families, but theres nothing but destroyed areas.