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THE ARCTIC TUNDRA (Background (Climatic Conditions (For 8-9 months of the…
Climatic Conditions
For 8-9 months of the year the tundra has a negative heat balance with average monthly temperatures below freezing
During winter, Sun remains below the horizon for several weeks; temps. -40
In the High Arctic, plant cover is discontinuous with extensive areas of bare ground
Carbon Cycle
C Sink
Overall, amount of tundra in soils is *5 greater than in the above-ground biomass
NPP is 200 grams/m2/year
Tundra biomass is v. small - ranges between 4 - 29 tonnes/ha depending on density of vegetation cover
Plant Activity
During growing season, tundra plants input C-rich litter into soil
Activity of microorgs. increases in growing season, releasing Co2 to atmosphere thru respiration
Permafrost melting
In winter, pockets of unfrozen soil and water in the permafrost act as sources of CO2 and methane
Snow cover may insulate microbial organisms and allow some decomposition despite the low temperatres
Oil + Gas Production, Alaska
North Slope between Brooks Range (in south) and Arctic Ocean (in north) is a vast wilderness of Arctic tundra
Today, the North Slope accounts for 6% of oil production in USA but Alaska still remains an important oil + gas province
Carbon Cycle
Industrial development
Thawing of soil increase microbial activity, decomposition + CO2 emissions
Slow-growing nature of tundra vegetation means the regeneration adn recovery from damage takes decades
Water Cycle
More extensive wetlands, ponds + lakes in summer = increased evap.
Water abstracted from creeks + rivers for industrial use and for the building of ice roads in winter reduc elocalised runoff
Water Cycle
Main Features
Low rates of evaporation
Much of sun's energy is used to melt snow so that ground temperature remain low and inhibit convection
Extensive wetlands, ponds and lakes on the tundra during the summer