HIV Exceptionalism : How does the notion of HIV exceptionalism structure life in Sierra Leone? "If HIV exceptionalism, as
ideology, guides funding and interventions, what enabled and facilitated its conception, circulation, and penetration in Sierra Leone? Moreover, if these interventions have not resulted in the behavioral, social, and cultural
changes presumed to curb new infections and prevent deaths, what changes are instilled through these encounters? In short, what kinds of sociality and selves do these programs create? Upon what socialities and subjectivities do they depend?" (8)
HIV exceptionalism is defined as "the
idea that HIV/AIDS is always a biologically,
socially, culturally, and politically unique disease requiring an exceptional
response" (8)
Critics ask, "Had such programs, which considered HIV to be not only a major public health crisis, but also a problem of development and for development, made health systems function better? (Shiffman 2008)?" (8)