In reflection, it is evident that an integration of particular elements of multiple theories related to distance education are necessary to individualize educational courses. The components of distance education and the need for theories are well explained throughout the chapter but the theories themselves leave room for individual interpretation and integration. As educational philosophies are constantly evolving, I believe distance learning theories are also evolving as learning environments change. As a community college instructor, I appreciate the theoretical components of individualized learning and self realization of educational responsibilities. I also believe that our time is most effectively utilized constructing meaningful learning experiences versus busy paperwork as stated in the Theory of Independent Study. I struggled with the Theory of Industrialized Education as I do not believe that distance education should be centralized and mass marketed. I do question the television advertisements for online universities and the quality of education provided by these institutions. The Theory of Interaction intrigued me as health science majors uniquely integrate the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of the learning process. Last, most of my education based classes have referenced Malcolm Knowles and his development of androgogy. I have integrated components of his philosophy into my personal teaching philosophy. Simonson, M., Smaldino, S. and Zvacek, S. (2015). Teaching And Learning At A Distance. 6th ed. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.