To Klemens von Metternich and Robert Castlereagh, the foreign ministers of Austria and Great Britain, respectively, as well as their French counterpart, Charles 'Talleyrand, the balance of power meant an international equilibrium of political and military forces that discourage aggression by any combination of or, worse, the domination of Europe by any single state.
There was general agreement among the victors that
of them should receive compensation in the form
of territory for their successful struggle against the French.
(States the Territory Gains of Each Place on Page 8)
Fat old Louis XVllI was restored to his throne for a second time. France lost only a little territory, had ro pay an indemnity of 700 million francs, and had to support a large army of occupation for five years.
The members of the Quadruple Alliance, however, did agree to meet periodically to discuss their common interests and to consider appropriate measures for the maintenance of peace in Europe. This agreement marked the beginning of the European "congress system,"
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