The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century
1660: Samuel Pepys begins his diary
1660s: London theaters reopen; actresses appear onstage for the first time
1660: Charles II is proclaimed king of England (crowned in 1661)
1665: Plague claims more than 68,000 people in London
1678: John Bunyan publishes The Pilgrim's Progress, Part 1 (Part 2 appears in 1684)
1673: English Test Act bans Roman Catholics from public office
1688: Aphra Behn publishes Oroonoko, an early antislavery novel
1685-1688: James II, king of England, tries to reestablish Catholic Church
1687: Newton publishes Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
1688-1689: Glorious (Bloodless) Revolution: James II is succeeded by Protestant rulers William and Mary
1690: John Locke publishes An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
1695: English Parliament enacts Penal Laws, depriving Irish Catholics of civil rights
1709: First issue of Addison and Steele's The Tatler is printed (The Spectator is begun in 1711)
1707: England, Wales, and Scotland are politically unified as Great Britain
1712: Alexander Pope publishes part of The Rape of the Lock
1719: Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe
1714: George I, a