House of Representatives in Star Wars

Incumbent: Palpatine is elected as representative of Naboo and then became chancellor and then Emperor. Emperor_RotJ

Speaker of the House : Paul Ryan Speaker_Paul_Ryan_official_photo_(cropped_2)
Elected by the whole of the House of Representatives, the Speaker acts as leader of the House and has several roles: they are the head of the House, the role of leader of the majority party in the House, and the representative role of an elected member of the House. The Speaker of the House is second in line to succeed the President, after the Vice President.

Darth Vader: Darth Vader was the emperors he carries out plans from The Emperor acting as the leader of the imperial army at most times (the imperial doesn't really represent the people)

Majority Leader: Kevin McCarthy


The Majority leader is the spokesman for their parties position on issues. The majority leader is representing the Republican party. They represent the Republican party on the house floor.

Up, Sign. 2018. "House Republican Leadership Positions". Congressional Institute. Accessed January 17 2018.

Grand Moff Tarkin: As the first Grand Moff in the empire, Tarkin was one of the highest-ranking military leaders in the empire as well as being in control of the Death Star. He commands a lot of the empire (majority party).

"Wilhuff Tarkin". 2018. Wookieepedia. Accessed January 17 2018.

"U.S. Senate: Majority And Minority Leaders". 2018. Senate.Gov. Accessed January 17 2018.

Majority Leader
Congressional Committee Staff
Congress personal staff
Joint Committee
Select Committee


Padlet Terms

Assistant Minority Leader: James Clyburn clyburn The Assisntant Minority Leader assists the Leader

"Leadership | House.Gov". 2018. House.Gov. Accessed January 17 2018.

Congressional Committee Staff: Mo Brooks Mo_Brooks_Portrait
Congression committee staff are employees of the house of representatives.

Stormtroopers: Average employees of the imperial army a59e227bb8e793ee5f6a9d8da1694e4b

Minority Leader: Nancy Pelosi 165px-Speaker_Nancy_Pelosi
The Minority Leader is the spokeswoman for the democratic party in the house or representatives. They represent the democratic party on the house floor.

Mon Mothma: She is the leader of the rebellion and plans battles such as the battle of endor. databank_monmothma_01_169_b62808e8

Princess Leia: Leia is one of the leaders of the rebellion (minority party). She leads it and is shown explaining plan to the rebellion. 43071AC000000578-4766142-image-m-140_1502051441694

Republican Conference Chairman: Oversees meeting from the majority party and is outranked by the speaker of the house.

Session: oWC2I The Empire meets to discuss the plans for the death star.

Congress personal Staff: These people are responsible for doing research for a bill Ex: Marc Short Legislative director. download-1

Galen Erso: Did research for the death star tumblr_inline_ojn7x8b0481qgp297_540

Director Krennic: Oversaw the death star construction and got is outranked and put in his place by Darth (the speaker) Rogue-One-16

Constituents: Average citizen. maxresdefault

Joint Committee: Groups of people from all over the galaxy come and join the rebellion to take down the empire. age_of_rebellion___species_by_cristi_b-d74cn5p

Bill: The Republic military enhancement bill was a bill that allowed the republic to buy 5 million more Clonetroopers. Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 8.21.32 PM

Select Committee: Representatives of planets that focus on issues of their planet. Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 8.11.53 PM

Whips: representatives that try to rally votes for their cause.