Rationalism: Knowledge in the head/mind

Empirism: Knowledge is from outside

deductive reasoning (general ➡ specific)

inductive reasoning (specific ➡ general)

the mind is in the head // the mind is in the body

the mind is outside // the mind is outside the body


Attempts to address mind-body problem

1) DUALISM (relates to Rationalists' view)

2) MATERIALISM (relates to Empiricists' view)


Issue: If Body dies, then does the Mind die? Renee Descartes proposed theory of dualism. ✅ the mind and body are 2 separate entities

1) Non-physical entity : the mind 2) Physical entity: the body

WEAKNESS in dualism: *if you believe that the mind is separate from the body & something goes wrong with the mind (e.g: schizophrenia), what do you do??

Proposed by Democritus ✅ the only thing that can be truly said to exist is matter ✅ the mind is the brain (= body)

DIFFICULTIES in explaining existence of psychological phenomena (thoughts, beliefs, desires, intentions, sensory experiences)

"The Chinese Room Argument"

Proposed by Leibniz
✅ everything is living (including items) ✅ everything was created by God in the universe to be in perfect harmony ✅ everything was made of tiny living elements (called monads )

"Monads" 1) do not influence each other 2) one monad cause something, other monads display the effects of that cause

Implication: *mind and body do not interact but they function in parallel as per God's plan

Philosophy & Neuroscience

Philosophy & Language

Philosophy & AI

Consciousness *split-brain patients - consciousness?

1) Language influences thoughts (beliefs)

2) Beliefs affect language

3) Language Thoughts


concept of 'emergence' proposed