1) Open (30)

Involvement Definition and philosophy

Progress from module 1. Participants individually to share progress on actions agreed 🚩

Results of Kickoff (2 slides with what means involvement and how to increase it)

2) Hollow Square (40)

Playing the Game ⭐

Wrap up about clarity of goal (tell), influencing of importance (sell), discovering readiness to the task (consult), invitation to (join), delegating actions. Optimal actions 💥

3) Hollow Square analysis by 5 actions (45)






My personal Strengths of 5 actions using results of report + brief presentations with actions 👤 🚩

4) Actions and Behaviors (60)

5 blocks X 5 teams. Individually on cards write actions and behaviors, then discuss, choose 5 + 5 and place. Revolver, others to add using markers 👥 👤 🚩 💥

5) Power of trust (45)

Quiz + work with buddy on actions to increase Trust (my own action list) 👤 💥

6) Keep People analysis (60)

8) 4D model (30)

3 Dont's of Rick Maurer (+story)

Taxes and Benefits table with discussion where now


4 ingridients of Trust by Covey

9) Close (45)

H/w - motivation wheel analysis 👤

The model Presentation

Practicing in 3 with feedback 👤 💥

Assessment-Challenge-Support model

About CTS



4 levels of engagement

Organizationals Hot Buttons + actions 👥 💥 🚩

Wrap up with slides

AS A TEAM: Challenges and actions plan 👥 🚩

AS A MEMBER: individual development plan 👤