<audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fqrsmzui6mea3gn/shortJungle.mp3?dl=0" /> Knowing you have neither matches or a lighter to start a fire, you remember a life hack you saw once on tv where someone used a magnifying glass and the sun to start a fire. <break time=".2s" /> If only you had a magnifying glass! <break time=".1s" /> Hey, wait, you think to yourself. <break time=".1s" /> Don't binoculars have glass lenses in them that act almost like a magnifying glass? <break time=".1s" /> Quickly acting on your hunch, you disassemble your binoculars. Able to extract the lens relatively easily, you hastily gather a pile of any dry materials you can find around you. <break time=".1s" /> Then, holding the lens over the pile and directly angled at the sun, you're able to build a fire. <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/q4ztmcneov8kt3u/Fire%20Crackling%20Wood%20Sound%20Effect.mp3?dl=0" /> Well done! <break time=".1s" /> Unfortunately, however, the fire, or the smoke coming from it, are big enough to signal the distant ship. <break time=".1s" /> So, Now what? <break time=".1s" /> Do you stay there for the night or do you continue on in search of food before the sun goes down? <break time=".1s" /> Say 'Stay There' or ' Continue on', now.
//Stay There
<audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fqrsmzui6mea3gn/shortJungle.mp3?dl=0" /> Frustrated and tired, you decide to save what resources you have left and give up on signaling the ship. <break time=".1s" /> Alone with your thoughts, you start to second-guess yourself. <break time=".1s" /> Should you have gone the other direction? <break time=".1s" /> Trying to contemplate your next move, thirst and hunger begin to consume your every thought <break time=".1s" /> Just as things seem their absolute worst, you hear what you think to be a faint rustling a few feet away... they sound like they could even be footsteps <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1tn0u5c7c0yq5rs/Walking%20in%20the%20Forest%20Sound%20Effect.mp3?dl=0" /> Could it be someone else survived the ship wreck? <break time=".1s" /> Hmmm. But wouldn't you have seen them already, you silently think to yourself. <break time=".1s" /> What should you do? <break time=".1s" /> Say 'Investigate noises' or ''remain quiet', now.
//Investigate Noises
<audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fqrsmzui6mea3gn/shortJungle.mp3?dl=0" /> Ever-so-slowly, you tip toe towards where you think the noises are coming from. <break time=".1s" /> Suddenly you hear a growl come from behind the bushes. <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/9e1ftyjkdlaag4x/tiger.mp3?dl=0" /> As you nearly leap out of your shoes, you clumsily drop your binoculars <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/m7kmxcyaaqso275/lightbulb%20break%204%20-%20sound%20effect.mp3?dl=0" /> Oh no...you've shattered the lenses <break time=".1s" /> Now what? <break time=".1s" /> Say 'Scare with flare, or 'climb tree', now.
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//Remain Quiet
<audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fqrsmzui6mea3gn/shortJungle.mp3?dl=0" /> You freeze in place for what seems like an eternity. <break time=".1s" /> Suddenly you hear a growl come from behind the bushes. <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/9e1ftyjkdlaag4x/tiger.mp3?dl=0" /> The startling sound nearly makes you jump out of your shoes. <break time=".1s" /> So, now what? <break time=".1s" /> Say 'Scare with flare, or 'climb tree', now.
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//Continue on
<audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fqrsmzui6mea3gn/shortJungle.mp3?dl=0" /> Continuing on through light jungle brush, you start to second-guess yourself. <break time=".1s" /> Should you have gone the other direction? <break time=".1s" /> As you contemplate your next move, thirst and hunger begin to consume your every thought. <break time=".1s" /> Just as things seemed their absolute worst, you hear something rustling in the bushes a few feet away. They sound like they could even be footsteps!
<audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1tn0u5c7c0yq5rs/Walking%20in%20the%20Forest%20Sound%20Effect.mp3?dl=0" /> Could it be someone else survived the ship wreck? <break time=".1s" /> But wouldn't you have seen them already... you silently think to yourself. <break time=".1s" /> What should you do? <break time=".1s" /> Say 'Investigate noises' or ''remain quiet', now.
//Investigate Noises
<audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fqrsmzui6mea3gn/shortJungle.mp3?dl=0" /> Ever-so-slowly, you tip toe towards where you think the noises are coming from. <break time=".1s" /> Suddenly you hear a growl come from behind the bushes. <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/9e1ftyjkdlaag4x/tiger.mp3?dl=0" /> As you nearly leap out of your shoes, you clumsily drop your binoculars <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/m7kmxcyaaqso275/lightbulb%20break%204%20-%20sound%20effect.mp3?dl=0" /> Oh no...you've shattered the lenses <break time=".1s" /> Now what? <break time=".1s" /> Say 'Scare with flare, or 'climb tree', now.
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//Remain Quiet
<audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fqrsmzui6mea3gn/shortJungle.mp3?dl=0" /> You freeze in place for what seems like an eternity. <break time=".1s" /> Suddenly you hear a growl come from behind the bushes. <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/9e1ftyjkdlaag4x/tiger.mp3?dl=0" /> The startling sound nearly makes you jump out of your shoes. <break time=".1s" /> So, now what? <break time=".1s" /> Say 'Scare with flare, or 'climb tree', now.
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