This involves placing lots of turbines in places such as moores or coasts as they are exposed to the wind there. They contain a generator that powers the blades, which in turn, turns it and produces the electricity. There is no pollution (except when they are made) however, many complain of noise levels and how they distract from the view. This is because 1500 turbines are needed to cover the energy of just one coal power plant,The turbines also do not produce any energy when the wind is not blowing, leaving it to random chance. They also don’t work when the wind is too powerful, it's almost impossible to increase supply when on these days the demand is so high.On average they only work 70-75% of the time.
The initial cost can be quite high, however there is no fuel and minimal running costs, saving money in the long run. The turbines can be removed so there is never any permanent damage,