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Human Resource Management (Power and Command (Specific objectives (That…
Human Resource Management
Power and Command
Influential aspects in the Dynamics
The way to distribute formal authority within the structure of the organization is a fundamental decision to organize.
Establishment of Power and command
Power is the ability to exercise influence, i.e. the ability to change the activities or conduct of individuals or teams. The power can be present in any relationship.
A manager has the potential to operate from the five bases of power. Some of them are inherent in their position:
A specific amount of legitimate power goes hand-inescapably with the work of a manager.
Conceptions Initials
The organizational structure provides a stable, logical and clear relationship pattern, within which managers and employees can work to achieve the organizational goals.
Maintenance of Power and Control
Formal authority is the type of power that is associated with the structure and administration of organizations and is based on the recognition that the attempts made to exert influence are legitimate.
Base of the Formal Authority:
Classic Position
Acceptance position
Specific objectives
That the participant knows and analyzes the most important aspects that are influencing the power dynamics in the human resources management
The participant to know and adequately analyse the principles for effective and efficient use of power in the human resources management.
That the Participant knows and analyzes the aspects that integrate to the conception of the power and the control for the human resources management.
That the participant knows and analyzes the situational differences in the obtaining and use of the power of the human resources management.
Implementation of Activities
Specific objectives
That the participant acquires a vision of the company as a system.
That the participant knows and analyzes the aspects of diversification, Horizontal and Vertical integration, international strategy, competence and cooperation for the human resources management.
That the participant knows and analyzes the substantial elements to establish a competitive business framework in the human resources management.
Que el Participante comprenda la importancia del equilibrio autoridad- responsabilidad.
Competitive Frame
The environment of operations of the ARH is what distinguishes it from other areas of the Organization.
Vision of the firm as a System
If we start from the premise that a system is a set of interrelated elements among themselves, with the same purpose, we can say that this principle can be applied to any team of
individuals or processes that we want to make function as a system.
Diversity of Activities
The need and integrate an organization as a system is evident.
Balance Authority-responsibility
A very widespread attitude consists of growing, or at least of claiming that the problems will disappear if the personnel expires more rapid or more correctly with its obligations.
Activities Control
Critical factor analysis
Although we usually use the terms "data" and "information" indistinctly, there is a difference between the two concepts.
Continuous replanning
Electronic prosecution of Information
Administrative information Systems are born
Decision Support Systems
Compilation of Information
Information systems allow managers to control how they perform their activities.
Experience and Knowledge
Opposition to a new my can be a nightmare for administrator G.W. Dickson and Johnn K. Simmons point to five basic factors that determine whether there is opposition to the installation of a new one and to what extent.
Does it alter MY established departmental borders?
Do alter the my the informal system?
Does my challenge represent specific individual characteristics?
Is it MY sustained in the culture of the organization?
Do you have the Employees form to express his opinion in regard to the installation?
Specific objectives
That the participant is able to analyze the critical factors of the human resources management.
That the participant is able to continually replan the activities of the human resources management.
That the participant is able to collect information for the control of activities of the human resources management.
That the participant understands the importance of the experience and the knowledge in the management of human resources and in the control of its activities.
Activities Planning
Prospective Human Resources
The movement of the science of behavior became important in the decade of 60.
Human resources strategy
Organization of Human Resources
Planning of Human Resources
Human Resources Systems
Human resources development
Human Resources relations
Employment of Human Resources
Human Resources projection
The human resources management (HRM) is an approach to the management of staff, based on four fundamental principles.
Critical development factors
Human resources policy
Policies arise in function of the rationality, the philosophy and the organizational culture.
Specific objectives
That the Participant analyzes the pilot human resources orientation.
That the participant knows and analyzes the principles of strategic planning of the human resources management.
That the Participant dominates the human resources projection skills.
That the participant dominates the techniques to determine the critical factors of human resource development.