Attitudes towards women
One study by Bridges et al. (2010)
scenes analysed, 88.2% contained physical aggression such as spanking and
48.7% of scenes contained verbal aggression like name-calling.
perpetrators mostly men and the victim was usually women.
The targets most often response neutrally or with pleasure unlike real sex
social learning theory: Banduras Bobo doll modelling, worrying: the amount of violence in pornography - physical and verbal - is that its users may begin to copy this in real life situations
Especially boys, consume starts young-> perception: women should be treated aggressively, sexual objects
Zillman & Bryant (1982)
showed that showing people who were shown high levels of pornography in an experiment showed less compassion towards rape victim and women in general.
Hald, Malamuth & Lange (2013)
found that increased pornography use was associated with less egalitarian attitudes towards women, meaning using pornography makes people less likely to see women as equals. It’s usage is also associated with more hostile sexism.