Religion Mind Map






It started China


Confusious is there founder

They help weaker people and people in need

551 BCE

They practiced to achieve Harmony

There goal is to respect people

There holy book is the "Book of Rites"

"Of all people girls and servants are the most difficult to behave"

10M people still practice

Some of there practices come from Buddhism

Kami is there god


"if you understand everything you must be misinformed "

Shintoisms holy book is "Kojika"

3-4M people

Shintoism started in Japan

The goal is to go the way

Tao Te Ching

12 million people follow taoism

They Practice dieting, mental art, meditation.

Laozi was the founder

"The best fighter is never angry"

Started in China

There goal is to reach nirvana

Buddism practices are to meditate and relive themselves from want


Suffering comes from your own want

Buddism started in India

Tripitaka is the holy book buddy didn't write down his teachings somebody else did when he died

The founder is the Budda

"The fully enlightened on is the highest among all living beings"


There goals are artha, karma, dharma, moksha

Hinduism started in India

There holy book is the "Vedas"

They have all kinds of gods

Hinduisms practice "puja"

"Hinduism is the mother of all religions"

900M people practice

Started in 100BC

3rd Century


6th Century

488M people are estimated to follow buddism



Adopted Egyptian princess leader of Israelites

Torah: Spiritual book has all their believes and practices, rules.

The Father is Abraham

They believe in one god like islam and chritianity

started 1500-2000bc

Goal: to connect to god and talk to him

started in Egypt

Judaism:Torah Christianity: Bible

Monotheism is when you believe in one god

Sabbath: the seventh day of the week were the worship god

passover:a day to celebrate god getting out of slavery

Rabbis: jewish teacher

Western Wall Is the holy site


13 million people follow

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Gospel: Gods teachings


Being a christian means you believe in god and try to follow him and eventually go to heaven

Disciples: A follower or student

New testament: second part of the bible

God teachings are the 10 commandments and the new testament

Easter is the resurrection (death) of Jesus

Paul traveled every where and spread christianity

Constantine was a roman/greek ruler who


Largest religion