Reflection: My experience with teaching online education has not always been a pleasant one. Course content is often recycled each term, with minor changes in announcements, assignments, discussions forum questions, etc. While the material may be new to an incoming student, it can get rather dry for the instructor. Unfortunately, because the course material is new to students, it’s easy for instructors to fall back on routine and to proscrastinate any work in freshnening up a course. Because of this, I am not a huge fan of teaching online. I think instructors rob the students of creativity and fresh perspectives on the course by being comfortable in reusing material and outdated text references. Educational institutions should introduce some new material, updated syllabus objectives, and activity ideas for instructors to choose from each semester/term, that way some areas of the course can be refreshed without all the work involved to redo a course each semester. Another issue I have with online is the difficulty of connecting with students. While video recordings through technology such as Kaltura Mashups help, this does not in any way provide the same experiences gained from a face-to-face instruction. While there are several types of students who prefer online due to their personal scheduling needs, I feel it’s important for all institutions to offer some form of blended/hybrid courses as an option. Some students will be able to adjust their schedules accordingly, and should have this option. For example, single mothers often have a hard time finding a sitter to watch their children during class time, so they opt to attend an online course. If given the option to take a blended/hybrid course, these single mothers would be able to take care of their home needs, feel more a part of the college community, and gain more of the in-class college experience they yearn.